Sunday, March 29, 2009

I have this tendancy to get bored of songs really fastt.

So if any of you ever heard of awesome bands or songs,

Please tell me about them..!!

But if it's songs by Rihana or Paris Hilton or any artists (I don't even really consider them artists!!) that sings suckish songs like them, don't even bother telling me about THEM..!!



When i say soap, I meant the kind of soap thats one piece. Not the liquid one. And why am i suddenly talking about this? It's because my mum keeps asking me to use that kind of soap. So im listing the reasons as to why i will NOT use that kind of soap.

1st Reason: Can you imagine using a piece of soap, thats already been used by someone else??

2nd Reason: Now can you imagine using a piece of soap that someone else has already used to wash their armpits and God knows where, on YOUR OWN BODY???

3rd Reason: It always slips out of your hands when you try to use it.

4th Reason: Using liquid form soap is so much more convenient and easier to get nowadays.

5th Reason: I just don't like to use it.
My brother was lying down on the sofa.

Then he used his handphone to play a song.

The song was in Korean or Japanese (didn't really hear clearly).

Then Joash said,

" Oh what a boring song..! I can't even hear what languge the singer is using!! I don't know if it's Korean, Japanese, English, or Franch..!! "

Then i said to him,

" Hello??? There is NO such thing as FRANCH..!!! It's either FRENCH or FRANCE!!! "

My brother the genius. Mmhmmm.

Monday, March 23, 2009

23rd March - The Unluckiest Day Ever

Okay, I shall tell you people how 23rd March is the unluckiest day for me.

I'm seriously jinxed today i tell you..!

Okay, so the day started out with me getting ready for our big presentation for Moral Studies.

But when i arrived in class, some of our other group members haven't arrived yet.

So when the teacher asked us if we could start now, we had to delay our presentation for like 10 to 15 minutes later.

And finally, when our other members arrived, we could finally start.

Butttt, another problem occured.

The freakin mike wasn't working on that day.

So we had to present without using the mike.

For some of us daring ones, like me and my group of friends, we spoke loud and clear enough for the teacher to hear, who sat wayy wayy back from the stage.

As for some other members, they spoke SO softly, that even when i'm sitting beside them, i couldn't even hear what they were saying..!

To make matters worse, they come from chinese schools.

So you can imagine how they presented when the whole presentation was in English.

And finally, when the presentation was over, the teacher told us,

" I don't know how to grade you guys. Because, i can hardly even hear what you're saying..! Sure i could just read it from the slide show, but this is a presentation. And you're suppose to PRESENT it. "

Then the teacher asked us a few question related to the topic we chose which was ' War, Peace, and Terrorism '.

And she just HAD to ask questions about Terrorism.

For that topic, we gave the task to the other members (the ' soft spoken ' members from chinese schools) to do research on.

And apparently, they didn't research thoroughly enough.

The questions that the teacher asked were all related to the facts from research.

So we were even more doomed than before.

To make things even more painful for us, later when another group went up to present, the teacher found out why the mike wasn't working.


Wow, surprise surprise.

Apparently, my guy friends who we thought were ' smart ' enough to check the freakin plug before announcing that the mike is spoiled, did NOT do that.

And so, the second team that were presenting got to use the mike and be heard.

Then when the whole class was over, my group of friends, we were feeling sooo depressed from the suckish presentation, wanted to go get ice cream to cheer ourselves up.

So we went all the way from block C to block A just to go to that shop that sells our favourite ice creams.

And surprise surprise again.

They were all sold out.

So we had to go ALL the way back to block C again to buy ice creams.

When we arrived at the lift to go up to the level that sells ice cream, there were already a lot of people waiting for the lift.

So i told my friends, " We won't be able to go into the lift. There's too many people here. "

And my friend said, " We'll make it! We will. "

I replied, " I don't think soooo. After we all go in, then the lift makes that ' Teet Teet Teet Teet Teet ' sound then you know. "

And har har. What do you know.

When we all squished ourselves into the lift, the lift makes that really loud sound,


So, me and my friends all have to get out of the lift.

How sad is that..?

Then when we finally got onto the next lift, me and my friend were kind of debating (like we always do).

And suddenly, my other friend said " STOP YOU GUYS!! Do you realize that we were suppose to get off at level 1, and now we're already at level 2?? And do you realize that Sean's not in the lift anymore?? " (Sean's our other friend)

So me and my two friends had to go all the way up to level 4, then make our way back to level 1 again.

After finally getting our ice cream, we took the lift up to our Positive Psychology class at level 4.

During the ride up to our class, i turned to my friends and said,

" Eh, our presentation for Positive Psychology is this Wednesday right? Don't after the teacher say it's today..! Then we're all dead. Haha! "

And lo and behold, my day just had to go and turn suckier.

When my teacher entered the class, she said to all of us,

" Okay!! You may all start your presentation now!! "

We all just stared at her, mouth wide open.

She looked at us and said, " You do know that your presentation is today right?? "

We all started shaking our heads and said NO NO NO!!!

And i started looking at my friends and said, " I told you today is jinxed!! What i said came true!! =S "

In the end we all had to present our first assignment, which was quite easy to do since it was just talking about what positive quality we see in ourselves.

As for the other presentation, we have to do it on Wednesday.

At the end of class, we were standing in the lift waiting to reach the ground floor.

And suddenly, the thought of the lift suddenly being spoiled and dropping all the way to the ground floor at a high speed and crashing came into my head (don't ask me why, it just did).

Then i turned to my friends and said,

" I'm not going to say another word today. We're jinxed enough..! "

And that was the end of my unluckiest day ever. When you have an even worse day, remember to tell me. Then maybe i won't feel so jinxed anymore. =S

Saturday, March 21, 2009

For all you Christians and non-christians out there, i suggest you to watch ' Facing The Giants '.

An awesome movie that will strengthen your faith in Him.

For you non-christians, it will make you want to believe in Him.


I was supposed to upload a video i made.

But somehow, i can't upload it for some reason.

So i'll just blog about something else.

I'll blog about my brother's girlfriend.


No, not Josiah's girlfriend.

It's about Joash's girlfriend.


Or at least he says he has one.

He's hanging out in my room now, just after Phos Teens.

And he keeps talking about his so-called-girlfriend.

But whenever i ask him about his girlfriend, he wont say anything!!

But he will just randomly start talking about how bored he is.

And how his girlfriend doesn't have credit, so he cant sms her.

But he still wont tell me details about her.

So annoyingggg..!!

Maybe this girlfriend of his is like Margy.

For those of you who doesn't know,

Margy is his imaginary girlfriend i made up for him.


Monday, March 16, 2009


This one im having right now is one of the worseeee!!!

I can hardly sleep at nighttttt!!


Friday, March 13, 2009

Monday, 9th march 2009.

I thinkk i knoww why my brother's always brokee.

Most of itt is spent of FOOD..!!

We ate Sakae Sushi at One Utama on Monday with Elaine, Amelia, Chermayne, me and my bro.

You should see the way he eats sushi.

Plate after plate, like its for free..!

" I stuffed 4 rolls of sushi in my mouth. All in one bite..! ;D "

Tuesday, 10th March 2009.

Finished class early todayy.

My bro was supposed to fetch me back from LRT station.

But he was still in Times Square with his girlfriend.

So he asked me to go theree.

Bought awesome Tees from that-place-thats-connected-to-Sugai Wang-but-forgot-whats-it-called.

Thursday, 12th March 2009.


I didn't really feeel nervous about taking my results before that day.

But when the time really came for me to actually take my results, my hands were shaking non-stop.

But beforee thatt,

Something happened.


She said it's because i never returned my borrowed-textbooks.

What on earth right..??

I told her, i tried to give it back.

But the place wasn't open on the last day of school.

So i asked my friend who was going to return her/his books during the holidays, to help me give my books back too.

But apparently, that he/she (i forgot who i asked to help me) forgot to give back my books.

So i had to run around school on that day to find all my books and give it back to the teacher in charge.

I didn't know who that teacher was, so i asked my friends.

But apparently they forgot who that teacher is too. -.-

So finally after sweating alot and running here and there, i finally managed to return my books and get my results.

A special thank you to my bro who stood up for me when my teacher refused to give me my results until i returned the books.

Although it's school policy (thats what the teacher said) that i HAVE to return the books before taking my results, my bro (acting as the lawyer he's soon to be) kind of scolded my teacher.

Don't mess with my bro people (unless you want to die early). He's freakin scary when he's angry. Haha!

Then I had an awesome day out at MidValley with my secondary school gang.

We went to Sushi Zanmai for lunch.

Everyone was starvingg..!

Then we watched a lousy movie (The City Of Ember. Watch it and you'll know why i said that) .

But we still had lots of funn.

Went for a buffet dinner at the Red Box.

Had an awesome time releasing our dissapointment, depression and stress by singing (more like screaming and shreaking tonelessly ;D) .

Then at around 11+, most of them started going homee.

And my oh-so-nice bro came all the way to MV just to fetch me homee ( i think it's more like he wanted to check out my girl-friends. HAHA!) .

Though i only knew my friends for 2 and a half years, they've been awesome friends to me.

Helping me through that two horrific years of secondary school.

Thaaaannnkkk Yoooouuuu Guyssssss...!! =D

Friday, 13th March 2009.

I was wondering if i should go home early today from college.

So i asked my friend's opinion.

And she suddenly answered me " Oh it's like shakespear. ' To be or not to be, that is the question '. "

I was like " Huh?? So i'm suppose to say ' To home or not to home ' ?? Hahaha!!"

My cousin and her mum from Kuching came down to KL today for a holiday.

They came by our house to pay us a visit.

And i think my cousin went a little nuts from the flight or somethingg.

Me and my bro were downstairs greeting them,

Then my bro had to go to church for practice,

Then she turned to me and said,

" Charity, your brother's going out now. So how long are you going to be here? "

(By 'here' she means my house)

So i replied, " Elaine..? This is my HOUSE. How long do you think i'm going to be here??? "

Then sheestarts laughing like a mad woman.


" I hated the school and their rules. But i've NEVER regreted knowing you guys. *smile* "

Sunday, March 8, 2009

1 Week Later
















" I paid my time. And now, i'm moving on. "

" Finally my one week of laptop-less days are done and over withhh!! Now i'm back people! "

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My group for the Film And Arts Appreciation assignment were doing a background research on Mozart.


As boring as it sounds,

We didn't have much choice really.

And in order to make the presentation interesting,

(because the lecturer said try to be as creative as possible)

My group members agreed to make a short play.

And this is what Jackie (my group leader) said when she told me my role in the short play.

Jackie: " Charity.. You will be Mozart's....... DAUGHTER! "

Charity: *Horified look* " WHAAATTT?? You're kidding rightt..?? "
* Thinking "Does Mozart even HAVE a DAUGHTER??" *

Jackie: "Ha Ha Ha!! Of course i'm kidding!! "

Charity: *Relieved look* " Wheww! Almost thought you were serious a little while ago. Ha Ha! "

Jackie: " Of course nott! Noooo... What you're really gonna be isss...

Charity: *Stunned* " Yeeahh suree Jackieee. Like being Mozart's wife is
any better..! =S "

" I wonder how Mozart's wife looked like..? "
Hey guess what peoplee..?

I got my freakin laptop confiscated by my mum.



So i can only use the outside desktop which is like freakin slowww.

And i cant log on to MSN for some stupid reason.

Whoopee again.

I hate people touching my stuff.

And my mum not only touched my laptop.

She TOOK AWAY my laptop.

Why cant my parents understand that when they take away my laptop,

All i want to do is REBEL EVEN MOREE..?

And why,

After so many years of living in the same house,

They dont understand that when they use harsh tones to force me to do something,

It just makes me NOT want to do it even more..?

Parents are soo clueless.

Dont get me wrong.

I lovee my parents.

But sometimes,

They just piss me off SO muchh.

Till i feel like not doing everything they ask me to do,

Just to spite them.

" 2 (or 4 days if they count the weekends as part of the punishment week) more days to go till i get back my laptop. Waiting and counting. =S "

Sunday, March 1, 2009

It still feelss like Cherish is heree with uss in malaysia.

In KL.

In her homee.

And nott back in Australia.

I wentt to Chermayne's housee on Sunday.

And i almostt asked Chermayne,

" Where's your sister? " (Cherish and Chermayne are sisters)

Glad you got back to Australia safely Cherish..! =D

Amelia drinkss hot chocolatee with icee.
