Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Okay this question might sound reeaalllyyy stupid.

But, how on earth do you answer a freakin tag??!!

I've never answered any beforee!
(Probably cause i dont know how to..!)

Anyonee pleasee teachh meee..!?

Preeeettttyyyy pleeeeaaaassseeeee...??!

" Exams aree almostt overrr..! Wheee! "

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Although it was a little weird and awkward.
But now i actually think you're not that bad of a brother after all.

Although you're still really annoying at times..!

So don't go getting too full of yourself!!



" We havee our fun momentss. "

I was feelingg a littlee stressed. From everythingg. So i took some random picturess to relieve my stress.
" I'm feeling guitly for not replying. I'm sorryyy. "

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I wonderr.

Are all older brothers that freakishly annoying..?

Do all of themm make their sisters feel like smashing their heads on the wall and pushing them down the stairs..?

Cause, sometimess.

I really feel like doing that to you Three Eyed Monster..!

" Are most guys sooo creep-ily annoyingg? Cause most of the ones ive met areee. "

Friday, February 20, 2009

Todayy i had adrenaline highh and sugarr russhh.

Onee rightt after the otherr.

Can you imagined whatt happenedd??

My friendd thought i went crazyy!!

And todayy someonee almost made me want to screamm during the car ridee.

That person kept braking without a warning just to hear me say " ouch! ".

And to annoyy meee.

Andd whenn i was in the library, my brother kept calling me to annooy mee.

And i couldnt yell att himm cause i wass in the libraryyy!!


Like reeeaalllyyy shoorrttt.

Never thought this day would comee.

I almostt laughed out looud when i saww him.

Im havingg mid-terms next weekk.


I wonderr iff i havee useed upp all the colourrss yeettt.

" At leastt now there's someone who can argue with meee, soo i won't get boreeed. "


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My brother is finally officially 20 freaking years old.

Yeeeaaapp. Twentyyyy.


Josiaaahhhh. You're soooo oooolllddd ooolllldd ooolllddddd OOOLLLLDDDDD!!!!

While i'm still only 18 and younggg.




P.s : If you dont wear the shirt i bought for you... Im going to kill you and tear you to pieces..!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Pink Panther 2

Peopleee!! Go watch Pink Panther 2!! Its wayyy wayy better than the first onee!

Its sooo soooo veeerrrryyyy veerrryyyy funnyyyyy!!!

Oh my goshhh!! I was laughing so hard i almost wet my pants!!


So go to the toilet before you watch this movieee.

You don't want to be seen with a wet pants when you come out from the cinema do youuu..?

Heeeeee! =D

Brain In The Bottle

Me, Amelia and Chermayne had an awesome time talking about our ' genius ' of a government during a random outing to MidValley yesterdayy.

And after complaining about the government's stupid rules and regulations about NS and useless highways built using our tax money, we finally came to one conclusion as to why our country is still considered a ' Third World Country '.

" The government don't use their brains. They keep them in bottles and stares at them everyday thinking how beautiful their smaller-than-a-pea-having-to-use-a-microscope-to-see-sized-of-a-brain look in the bottles. "

Yeapp. And these are the people who are ruling and running our country. How comfortingg.

Maybee we shouldd just smashh their brainss..

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Crappy Movieee

Yesterday at Film And Art's class, our lecturer forced us to sit through another one of her boring-two-hours-long movie (if you can even call it a movie. It looked like something National Geography would show. No kiddingg..!) I wanted to just skip the movie and go homee so badlyy.. But the lecturer said that there would be a quiz on the movie later.. So i was forced to sit through the stupidly boring movie for like 2 hours.. My friend was already sleeping and drooling beside me by the time the movie JUST started.. Yeeahh thats how freakishly boring it iss..

The socalledmovie started out with this red-faced monkey that was sitting (or standing.. Cant tell..) in a hot spring.. For like 10 to 15 minutes, thats all it showed.. The monkey just sitting there and staring, enjoying the hot springg..

Then finally the scene changed.. It doesnt get better though.. It just suddenly showed these bunch of people praying while facing a huge wall and all of them went to kiss this silver lock that was hanging on the wall.. Eeiiuuu muchh??! I mean how unhygienic!! ALL OF THEM WERE KISSING THE SAME LOCK WITH THEIR MOUTH..!! Eeeyuucckkk!!

Well.. I dont think i should tell you the whole movie.. Cause you're probably already falling asleep by noww..? Haha!! Oh and the movie has nobody talking, like at all..!

And then finally came the quiz on the movie and what we learnt from the lecture before the movie..

So the first question was like asking what is the subject, form, and content in this film..?

Well, subject is actually asking about what motivated the artist to make this film (i think).. And i was like thinking to myself.. " Like heck i would know right??!! Go ask the freaking artist him/herself if you wanna knoww so much that it worths 10% of my gradee!! "..

And then the second question was asking, from the four meanings we just learnt (symptomatic, explicit, implicit, and referential) which meaning is applied in this film..?

So i was thinking of using explicit and implicit.. Explixit means it shows something clear and obvious.. While implicit means something hidden and has other meanings.. And the first thing that came to my mind was the red-faced monkey sitting in the hot spring.. Then once again i thought to myself.. " So does the freaking red-faced monkey sitting in the hot spring have a hidden meaning behind it, or is it just obvious that it was trying to take a freaking bath to clean itself up, but end up having someone invade its privacy by filming it in its most private moments??!! "

If i score even ONE mark from this quiz, i'd jump up and down screaming like a mad woman out of happiness..!!

" Heeelllppp meee...! I'mm gooonnaaa faaaiiill thisss subjeccttt..!! "

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I think nobody knew i had another younger brother besides my two other brothers right..? But yeeaahh.. I doo.. I had another younger brother when i was 15.. Do you believe itt?? Do you want to know who that said ' brother ' isss?? Well, i shall tell you thenn..!

And that brother of mine issss

..................* Drum Rolls *...................


..............* Clashing Of Symbols *.............!!

" Taadddaaaaa!! "

Yeeeaapp... There you have ittt.. My second little brotherr, Copper.. Want to know how he became my little brother?? Well lets just say its all my dad's doing..

This happened all because instead of calling me Copper's master (the correct term is ' mistress ' but i wont use that word cause it just makes me sound like im someone's illegitimate wife.. Yuckk!), my dad calls me ' Copper's sister '.. He always goes....

" Copper!! Go to your sister's (me) room!! "

" Aww poor Copper.. Your sister (me) don't want youuu?? "

" Copper ahhh.. Why you look so saaddd sitting in front of your sister's (me) room?? "

Sooo... Yeeeaahhh.. I now have THREE brothersss.. Yeepeeee... More people to annoy meee..

YES..! Copper annoys me like crap sometimess!!

Like nowadays... I dont know whats up with himm.. But he just whines outside my room, sounding so pitiful, so i would let him inn.. Then after i let him in, he would start to sit by the door whining again so i would let him outt.. And he does it over and over again!! What on earth righttt..!! Apparently my dog/brother finds it fun to do thisss.. Such a genius.. =.=


Monday, February 2, 2009

' Only Angry Midgets Read My Blog '

" HAHAHA!! "

Okayy.. Maybe i should make this clear for everyonee.. I SERIOUSLY HATE IT WHENEVER ANYONE INSULTS ME.. Like no kiddingg.. I mean if you say it in a joking way, i won't mind..
I would probably just laugh along with you.. But if you're throwing the insults at me and you meant them.. Ohh boyy are you in for ittt..! Cause i would insult you DOUBLE or TRIPLE the times the insult you threw at meee.. Call me mean or whateverr.. I don't careee. Its in my nature to repayy you the 'kindness' you treated me withh.. So beware peoplee, and please dont turn me into a mean personn.. Cause honestlyy, i dont like being mean at all...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

How i wish i am someone who cannot feel


sadness and depression

" It's so confusingg.. "