Friday, February 26, 2010

These Days...

I just finished watching The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants 2.

I just love these kinda movies. Ones about friendships.

It reminds me of all the good friends i'm lucky enough to have in my life.

So many memories.

As each and everyday goes by, everyday is a good day.

Sure we've had our share of difficult times, but i really believe that after every fight, we get closer with each other.

And i learn something new about them everyday, and we share experiences together.

That's what makes us friends i guess.

I don't know what'll happen in the future.

If we'll all still be friends, or if we'll all go our separate ways.

It saddens me to think that all this friendship of ours might disappear someday.

But i'll just think about NOW.

When we all still have each other.

Maybe someday later, we'll all separate.

But even so, there's something that will link us for life.

Proof that we were all friends.

It's all the memories we share together.

Be it PaperRoses, or just our average, everyday life.

Everyday is a new beginning for us, and i'll never ever forget.


" Some friends just fit together. "

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