Friday, February 19, 2010

Genius Parents...

My dog Nikki had an ear infection before. But after going to the vet, he was okay again.

But lately, he's showing signs of maybe having the ear infection again.

My genius of a parents fed him with antibiotics. Which were prescribed for humans.

My mum is once again the mastermind behind this'genius' act.

Why did i say 'again' ?

Well, she did this before. When i was really young and clueless, my hamster was sick.

My 'genius' of a mum fed her with antibiotics. And the very next day.......................

She died.. ><


I'm bracing myself for the worse for my dear old Nikki.

I clearly told my mum and dad to STOP this nonsense and STOP giving my poor old dog antibiotics which were prescribed for HUMANS!

Wishing and wishing and wishing upon every star and praying HARD that Nikki won't die because of this foolish act.

I told my dad and mum that it would be ALL their fault if Nikki dies because of this.

And may guilt be upon their conscience every second of their lives if he does pass on because of what they did.



~ My mum called this flower ' The Lone Survivor ' ~

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