Okay i've been holding off this post for way too long.
To make the long story short, i had an awesome surprise on Sunday!!
Me, Chermayne and Amelia were supposed to go to Sunway on Sunday just to hang out and celebrate my birthday. I thought " Just a lunch and a movie together with my best pals would be more than enough to make me super happy.. " .
So when we got to Sunway, we first went to collect Amelia's AAR ticket from the Digi booth. Then i asked them if they wanted to watch a movie. And they said " See firrsttt lah.. ", and Amelia said she wanted to buy purse. SO i was curious and wondering, " If we're not going to watch a movieee, then what are we going to do for the whole dayyy?? "
Then after walking around a bit, Chermayne suddenly announced that she wanted to eat TGIF. So i thought " Okay sureee, but weird why would she want to eat TGIF all of a sudden when we usually eat more normal and casual food [Like Mc.D or Sushi King]..? "
So after we got to TGIF, Amelia said she wanted to go to the bathroom. I wasn't really paying attention cause i was too busy drooling over Chermayne's Canon DSLR. We were intensely discussing about her new Lens. Or at least I was, apparently she wasn't......
I was so into the conversation that i didn't notice anything else around me. I only saw some customers in black and colourful clothes walking in our direction with a waitress in front of them out of the corner of my eye. And all of a sudden......
*People jumping out and on me screaming*
And i was like thinking, " OMG WTH???? WHAT IS THIS??? TERRORISTS??? PLEASE DON'T KILLL MEEEEE!! I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIEEEEE!!! NOOOOO!! *legs shaking* "
And after an-almost-heart-attack surprise, i looked closely and properly at the assumed-terrorists... And who did i seeee?? DANIAL, DEBBIE, ENG WEI, KY, JIREH and JUN YOU...!!! And then i started to laugh!! Out of relieve that i wasn't being attacked and i didn't have to die yet and out of pure HAPPINESS!! i haven't been seeing them for awhile cause of our different class schedules.. So i was sooo psyched that i got to see them again!
Apparently Chermayne, Amelia and KY has been planning this birthday surprise one week ago using Skype! Hahahaha!
" Thank youuu you threee amazing peopleee.. Such crazy fun peopleee.. ;) "
We ordered lots of food, drinks and deserts, talked, and laughed like hell.. =)
Oh and did i mention that i got over my phobia of celebrating my birthday in TGIF?? Everyone who celebrates their birthday in TGIF usually have to stand on a chair and give a speech. I used to be scared like crazy to do that. But on that day, nothing could stop me from thanking my friends in front of public for that awesome, brilliant surprise.
SOOOO i stood on a chair proudly [although my legs were shaking], held a bottle of tomato sauce, sang the C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E song with my friends, and then gave a thank you speech to them while everyone in the restaurant were staring at me.. =D
I've never been so surprised and sooo effin ecstatic on my birthday ever beforeeee!!
You guys are such super rocking awesome friends you know thattt...?! =DDDD
Such an awesome day we had on Sunday.. I'll never ever forget that birthday surprise.. EVER.. ;D
[ Mayne and Amelia gave me an AAR CD and paid for my lunch at TGIF! Debbie, Danial and Jun You gave me something from The Body Shop that smells of Cranberry! KY, Jireh, and Eng Wei gave me a dress! Hahaha! Yes i will wear it... For their sake.. ;) ]
" This song says it all.. All that i want to say to my friends.. =) "
" Thank you lots and lotsss peopleee.. I feel so blessed to have you all around me yaa.. =) "
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