Thursday, December 25, 2008


(Share Love Everytime Everywhere with People)

This is a campaign organized by a youth group from FGA..

The purpose of this campaign is to raise awareness of why there

isn't enough LOVE going around in this world..

We did a trial test of it yesterday..

We had lots of fun and met all kinds of people..

It really made us think about how people

are always depressed because they feel as if

no one in the world cares for them..

And what we can do to make this world a better place

to live in, filled with loving people..

When theres love,

There wouldn't be WAR,

There wouldn't be SUICIDE,

There wouldn't be HOMELESS children.

God has given us life in this world, shouldn't we at least make an effort to make this world a better place? So let us do our part and show more love to one another.. So people would know that there IS at least ONE person out there who can love them when they feel like NOBODY can EVER love them..

Have a great holidayyy!

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