Saturday, September 26, 2009

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" Where's the love todayy..? I lovee Collegeee.. "

Friday, September 25, 2009

Guess who's my current mosstt favouritee singerr..? :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

She. Was. Absolutely. Amazinggg.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I miss laughing at Tom & Jerry showss..

It makes everything feel like old timess againn..


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Happyy Birthdaaayy Youuu :)

"HAPPYYY HAAPPYY 18th BIRTHDAYYY KYYYY! Have the best birthday EVER todayy yaa :D "

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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I feeel likee playing badminton alll dayyy longg..

I feel likee taking upp martial artsss..

I feel like taking photoss under the sunnn..

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My otherr cousin got marriedd..

Not Madeline..

It's Kevin this timee..

Congratulations you twoo..


"I look like Paris Hilton's Chihuahua.. It made my day.. "

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I was scrolling through my cellphone contact numbers today..

I came across a number that goes by the name of Chicken Eddie..

And now i am sooo curious about who that person is, and how he got into my cellphone contacts..


My dad fist bumped me today..

My mum sang along to Black Eyed Peas 'I Gotta Feeling' and said "Anyong" [which means goodbye in korean] to me before i got down the car at uni..

I think my parents have gotten indefinitely cooler.. ;)

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" It's just another day with the sky oh-so blueee.. Perfect weather gets me in the mood.. "

It was heart wrenching.. I cried pretty hardd.. It made me laughh at the same timeee.. Awesome graphics.. I lovedd itt.. Go watchh itt peoplee.. Makes you think twice about taking your pretty-easy-going-life and the people around you for granted.. :)

Friday, September 18, 2009


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Let's playy badminton agaaain sometimee youu.. ;)

" I've got your mix tape in my walkman... Havee a muffinnn.. "


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" Life isn't about finding yourself. LIFE IS ABOUT CREATING YOURSELF. "

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nally says: " Satay is my comfort food.. "

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Pictures taken by Sony Ericson phoneee..

" We went to Kajang for satay.. I feel like getting a haircuttt.. ;) "

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


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" Photobucket is down.. D: "

" Good afternoon peopleee.. I shall start my speech with a jokeee.. "

I havee decidedd.

I'll take at least ONE photo everydayy.

I won'tt givee upp.


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" Start with DETERMINATION. End with PERFECTION. "

Monday, September 14, 2009

I was supposed to get a speech ready by Wednesday.

Because everyone in the Human Communication class were supposed to present it in front of the whole class.

By Monday, i was still wondering what topic should the speech be about.

So what did i do..?

I tried searching for a good topic on google.


And then i came across a bunch of quotes.

I saw one quote i really really think is suitable for my speech.

In fact,

I wanted to only say that certain quote for my speech instead of one long essay about some boring typical topic.

Guess what the quote says..?


" Under all speech that is good for anything there lies a silence that is better. Silence
is deep as Eternity; speech is shallow as Time. "

- Thomas Carlyle


I think i'll get an A+ for that.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

" My aircond keeps spitting ice out at me... Go figure.. =S "

[I'll post about my Hot and Cold trip as soon as i have the time to make a long post :D]

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I said to Cleverbot " I hate you. "

And it replied " What a wonderful thing to say. "


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Today i tried typing "my brother is" on google.

Guess what sentences google suggested to me?

1. My brother is an idiot
2. My brother is annoying
3. My brother is dead.

I'm glad google knows how i feel sometimes.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Kelvin: " Hey chaty! "

Charity: " Hello NIVLEK! " [NIVLEK is KELVIN spelt backwards]

Kelvin: " Okay let me try that. Hi YTIRAHC! " [YTIRAHC is CHARIITY spelt backwards]

Charity: " Oh gosh, my name sounds russian. =S "

Kelvin: " No lor! Sounds more like Jewish lor! "

Charity: " YTIRAHC... Oh my gosh, you're right! "

So there you have it people. I have a Jewish name, thanks to Kelvin. =D